Abathur is free to play! What do I do with him?
- Winning
Dear Winning,
Abathur is an insanely fun hero but only if you enjoy a busy game – even in co-op is heavily involved all the time. The best way to get to know him is to play him. You could even start a you and all computers game.
As Abathur, know that you are not like every other hero. You do not engage in direct combat. Ever. The only time you join the team is either as a Beholder through Symbiote or as a copy of one of your teammates.
Now, your active abilities are Symbiote and Toxic Nest. You also have Locust Strain, but this activates on a regular basis sans button push. As a “specialist,” you will need to “specialize” in one of these three trees. You can certainly spread yourself thin and pseudo-buff each one, but why would you cheat yourself of power?
Unlike the other heroes as well, Abathur’s Heroic Ability is one in number: Ultimate Evolution. You make an exact replica of one of your teammates for 45 seconds. Some say use it as many times as it cools down. Some say wait for team battles. The choice is yours, but always be aware that it will take you a few seconds to transform - a few seconds in which you are a helpless cocoon that can be quashed by enemy forces.
My final note with this is that, as a rather immobile character, you need to learn how to minimap. Learn to use your cursor on the minimap to jump the camera around (if you don’t already). This allow you to watch over everything as the benevolent god you are pretending to be.
- DrmDestryr
I want to play Uther, but he's boring. What do?
Dear What2Do,
If you stick with the safety net of all passives, Uther is, unquestionably, a boring hero. Break out of that and look at Uther’s talents. Of the 7 tiers, 5 of them allow you to add an active ability. That’s 5 additional buttons you can add to your gameplay experience – leveling your button skill to 9.
In case you can’t be bothered to search for these, here are the names of the actives that can be added: Shield Ally, Clairvoyance, Cleanse, Sprint, Shrink Ray, Rewind, and Storm Shield. Now, go read about each one so you figure out how to work them into your play style. If you manage to implement all 5 buttons and use them well, you will be a busy Paladin during team fights.
Ain’t nobody likes a good Paladin but everybody want one.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at drmdestryr@gmail.com or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.