Hi DrmDestryr!
What’s the best strategy in Heroes?
Thx! Born2Win
Hi Born2Win!
A wonderful question you have posed. I have to admit, this one stumped me for all of five seconds. “The Best” strategy is popping up in Heroes forums all over the interwebs at an astronomically fast speed, so I dare not claim to be “Pro.” However, if advice for your cherry pop game is what you seek, let me provide you the only bit of advice I received before my first DOTA 2 game – sweaty palms, nasty insults, and all:
Just don’t. Run away with your tail between your legs if you have to. No one cares. You could run up to a fight and then run back to your towers without so much as activating an ability, but as soon as you die, you are on everyone’s radar. Suddenly, you’re no longer just a timid damage dealer – you have been transformed in the minds of your teammates to the feeder of the group. Because of you, the other team now has an advantage. Because of you, your team may never recover the XP they just lost.
You should fear your hero’s death like you fear the inescapable end of your own insignificant mortality.
UrWelcm! DrmDestryr
Dear DrmDestryr,
I’m super stoked to play Heroes of the Storm, but I often hear it called a MOBA. Care to elaborate?
Dear Nubkins,
A fine question to ask at such a pivotal time in this gaming style’s infancy! A MOBA, Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, is a team oriented game. Teams generally consist of five players each. These “teams” work to destroy the opposing team’s main structure. Each MOBA’s main structure has a different name, and in Heroes of the Storm, it is known as the palace. Once destroyed, the winning team is filled with a heaping helping of unwarranted self-importance while the other team reports their fellow players for sucking so super hard.
Often, on the losing team, you will encounter language not seen on a winning team. This language spouts forth from the keyboard of the self-appointed Swiftian satirist of the team. They are quick to call out each team member in turn and insult them in rousing and varying ways. How they type the sheer volume of insults they do while simultaneously playing the game is as yet unknown, but scientists, gamers, and mathematicians alike are working round the clock to unlock this mystery. Once known, it will shed light on why the worst player of the team consistently suffers from egotistical hyperinflation.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at drmdestryr@gmail.com or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.