Are there any hero types you don’t see played a lot that I should play as?
- HelixisBest
Dear HelixisBest,
Ah, the age old question as to what is better: the chicken or the egg? Do you choose a hero type based on need or based on what you like? If you are worried about team build but aren’t on a team (you queue alone in pvp), type does not really matter as you will be paired randomly so there can be no way to predict your team build.
However, if you play a character that you like and are great at, you will be far more beneficial. A group of five that has moderate hero control but the assumed “perfect” lineup will still lose to a team that does not have the lineup but knows how to play their heroes damn well. Conforming yourself to the cultural restraints of needing to play the “best” hero in the “best” grouping will only keep you from actually becoming good.
In the end, the only type you should pay attention to is type of practice.
- DrmDestryr
I really want to play PvP but people always yell at me in the chat. What do I do?
Dear MyFeelings,
Don’t look at it. If you can’t not look, find a few items. Do you have post-its? If not, do you have paper and tape? Once acquired, cover up the chat box area on screen. Problem solved.
While tempting to see others critique your play style, why would you listen to them? Why would you take criticism from high blood pressured, angry gamers? The person yelling at you may very well be a 12 year old kid that hasn’t even reached puberty, and you’re going to allow them to bring you down? And I do mean allow. You are the one reading chat. You are the one that needs to accept that if you read chat, there’s a chance you’ll fall prey to a new, popular insult. Therefore, it is your responsibility to not pay attention. In the future, we’re all hoping Blizzard adds a feature to report the toxic players, but until that patch, it is up to you to take responsibility for your own feelings and simply ignore. What can you possibly hope to gain by justifying the griefer’s delusion that any recognition is good recognition?
Take charge of your game.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at drmdestryr@gmail.com or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.