The Grinding Gear Podcast

#420 - Into the Nexus: “Ladder Land”

Into the Nexus is back and talking ladder! Former Heroes Balance Designer AZJackson was on Twitter this week talking about a recent article posted by Magic the Gathering creator Richard Garfield. The challenges of game design and letting things like MMR handle your players for you. We also briefly check on World of Warcraft’s new expansion leaks before taking emails.

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#418 - Into the Nexus: “Maw or Naw?”

Into the Nexus is back! The people’s show. The show for the people by the people. Garrett and Kyle take a look at Blizzard’s upcoming releases and talk about the health of video game production. NGS continues and Kyle has a few new strats to share with you including a fancy new reason to pick Zagara (last pick that is). Emails and more, oh yea!

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#414 - Into the Nexus: “Give Arthas Defile!”

Video game riches have descended upon us. A wealth of games are releasing and Heroes of the Storm is still one of your favorite dishes. Garrett and Kyle take a look at the recent balance patch to see where things have shaken up. The mailbag is still bursting. The hosts make headway. Keep em coming to itncast@gmail!

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#406 - Into the Nexus: “Heroes Sandwich”

The final episode of 2021, this is Into the Nexus, your Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett and Kyle emerge from their Holiday hibernation, enjoy the results. Johanna has the lane clear back, so where did the big rework take her? Does Malfurion need a rework? Nova? Thrall and Alexstraza? How about some off-topic questions.

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