The Grinding Gear Podcast

#404 - Into the Nexus: “The Probe Meta?”

The meta is changing. The CCL has upped the pace of the game. Johanna is now a high damage off-lane. Probius is a zoning double soaking spell caster. Rehgar is just plain running amok. Garrett and Kyle give you the scoop, as well the business of battle-pass and your emails.

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#401 - Into the Nexus: “Holiday Secret”

Into the Nexus is back, with a SECRET episode. Recorded offline in time for the Holidays, Garrett and Kyle cover all the ongoing action over the HeroesHearth CCL tournament. The battle rages on as 8 teams vie for placing through group phase heading towards those post new year playoffs. Several lessons for our home games have Kyle curious, including Mephisto, Lunara and that old-reliable Johanna. The host also play a little AMA with reddit to make this a complete Heroes meal.

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