The Grinding Gear Podcast

The Final Grill with Jesse Cox | The Grinding Gear Podcast #74

The Final Grill with Jesse Cox | The Grinding Gear Podcast #74
Garrett Weinzierl, Kyle Fergusson, & Jesse Cox

Jesse Cox returns for the final grilling before the end of Endwalker. The test is stacked, the questions are hard and our memories are shit. Better than most? Maybe. Are there dragons in the Crystal Tower? Who has cloud hair? What characters are missing? What happens in patch content given the meta knowledge of the launcher? Jesse leaves no stone unturned, while Garrett and Kyle lose the stones. or all our patch predictions will come true, and a closed time loop will cause our predictions to be true even if you already played them because there might be dragons on the First?

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The Grinding Gear Podcast provides burnout-free video game coverage from podcast veterans. Join Garrett and Kyle every week as they get lost in games, pop culture, and everything they’re personally playing.

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