This week on The Angry Chicken Garrett and Joce chat about Iksar’s controversial deck building tweet, cards being unnerfed, the current state of Battlegrounds, and then take your emails.
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Forged in the Barrens Giveaway!
The Angry Chicken Forged in the Barrens Standard Bundle Giveaway is here! Enter to win 1 of 5 Bundle codes!
Read More#406 - The Angry Chicken: “#SaveTheAngryChicken”
It’s all Core Set, all the time, on this special episode of The Angry Chicken. #SaveTheAngryChicken
Read More#405 - The Angry Chicken: “Mercenaries, the Barrens, & BlizzcOnline”
It was a wild weekend of Hearthstone news at BlizzConline, and we’ve got it all here on The Angry Chicken, along with an interview with Hearthstone devs Liv Breeden and Joe Killion!
Read More#404 - The Angry Chicken: “Consolation Courser"
T'was the TAC before BlizzCon & all through the show, Joce said "obvi" and Garrett yelled "NO!" Enjoy!
Read MoreThree Kingdoms Giveaway!
The Angry Chicken Three Kingdoms Bundle Giveaway is here! Enter to win 1 of 2 Bundle codes!
Read More#403 - The Angry Chicken: “Whip Your Whiz Out”
Garrett and Joce are joined by Ridiculous Hat to talk about the newly announced Core Set, Legacy Set, Classic Mode, and BlizzConline schedule. Enjoy!
Read More#402 - The Angry Chicken: “Hello Fellow Humans”
Garrett and Joce break down the latest Iksar AMA, chat about BlizzConline bundles, play priest to beat pally, and then take your emails and trivia questions! Enjoy!
Read More#401 - The Angry Chicken: “Alura is Barnes in a wig”
Jocelyn is out this week so RidiculousHat stays on for another episode to talk about how Hearthstone’s mini-set is shaking up the meta. The two break down the Hysteria nerf, Tavern Bundles, ESL taking over Hearthstone esports, the Battlegrounds meta, and much more.
Read More#400 - The Angry Chicken: “Mini-Sets and Many Friends!”
We made it. 400 episode of The Angry Chicken. But before we celebrate more than seven years of TAC there’s a big Hearthstone patch hitting this Thursday. Garrett and Jocelyn break it down for you and then hang out with RidiculousHat, Slysssa, Jonathan Vigil, and Hearthstone dev Celestalon. The super panel share stories of Hearthstone’s history, content creation, the game’s development, what the community means to them, and just the Hell a podcast even is.
If you have supported TAC in any way. Listened to a show, subscribed on a podcatcher, tuned into a live stream, or back us on Patreon… THANK YOU. From the bottom of our hearts we mean it when we say you changed our lives. Thank you for being awesome. We’ll see you next week.
Read More#399 - The Angry Chicken: “Eat It Edwin!”
Hearthstone got the biggest small patch ever this week, with a nerf finally hitting Edwin VanCleef. Out of that news came a thread from Alec Dawson that allowed Garrett and Joce to wildly speculate about what the new Standard year may bring. They also talk about the post-patch Standard meta, and a firewall exploit being used in Battlegrounds. All that and more on this week’s Angry Chicken!
Read More#398 - The Angry Chicken: “100 Rewards Levels?”
Garrett and Joce are back after the holiday break, talking all things Iksar! The dev took to Twitter and Reddit to talk about the Rewards Track, Battleground Heroes, and Achievement toasts spoiling game events. After that they take an email about how to get back into the game after a year and a half long break. Enjoy!
Read More#397 - The Angry Chicken: “Q and Holid-A-y!”
Garrett and Joce are back in all their festive glory to take your questions! Yes, all your questions! They talk about the last year of Hearthstone, the year ahead, and some grab bag style off topic stuff at the end. Enjoy, and have a wonderful holiday break!
Read More#396 - The Angry Chicken: “Big BG Patch”
Garrett and Joce take a look at Patch 19.2. Spells have been added to Battlegrounds, along with some Taunt synergy minions. On top of that, there are some Standard and Duels balance changes rolled into this patch as well. Enjoy!
Read More#395 - The Angry Chicken: “Rewards Track Update”
Garrett and Joce dive into the Rewards Track changes announced this week before talking about the upcoming World Championship! They then take your emails about the upcoming mini-expansion. Enjoy!
Read More#394 - The Angry Chicken: “Dekkster & Demon Hunters”
Dekkster joins the crew this week to give his thoughts on the state of Hearthstone, the post-expansion launch meta, and what a subscription model might look like. Enjoy!
Read More#393 - The Angry Chicken: “TAC-sgiving with Night Attack!”
Ever wonder how players that don’t pay attention to Hearthstone forums or reddit feel about criticism aimed at the game? That’s exactly what you’ll experience on this episode of The Angry Chicken!
With the holidays around the corner Garrett and Jocelyn wanted to put together a virtual table with their friends from the Night Attack podcast and talk Hearthstone. Brian Brushwood and Justin Robert Young are both Legend-rank Hearthstone players that do not pay attention to why places like the forums or reddit are mad and they have questions! They also have some deck recommendations after a weekend of win streaking all the way to Legend again.
Read More#392 - The Angry Chicken: “Old Gods 2: Eyeball Goo”
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire is HERE! And so are Garrett and Joce to talk all about the Day One meta. They then take some time to talk about Ben Lee’s forum post, which further explains the Rewards Track, Tavern Pass, and plans for the future. Enjoy!
Read More#391 - The Angry Chicken: “The Archetypes of Darkmoon Faire”
Garrett is back and Darkmoon Faire is just around the corner. Joce and Garrett spend the episode looking at all of the new potential archetypes for every class. They also review the new progression and achievement systems as well as check in on Battlegrounds’ new meta.
Read More#390 - The Angry Chicken: “Buff Nerfs”
Garrett is off this week so Joce is joined by Jonathan Vigil to talk about the latest Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards, as well as the massive Battlegrounds and Duels balance patch 18.6.1, coming tomorrow! Enjoy!
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